1. The Academic session of the college is from June to May classes will commence after it is notified by the Principal.
2. E-Admission to the different classes begins after the publication of the results of various examinations till the date as prescribed by the Govt. of Orissa.
3. Undertaking:
Before a students is admitted to the College he/she or his/her guardian(if he/she is below 18 years of age) has to sign an undertaking in specified form to the effect that the students shall abide by the rules of the College. (Vide Article 106 of the O.E.C)
4. Each syudent must register in the college office the address at which he lives, any change in the address must be intimated to the Office in writing.
5. Identity Card:
Students are advised to always keep with them their identity card which will entitle them to all privileges of college students.
i. A students taking S.L.C or C.LC in the middle of the year shall submit his/her Identity Card in the College Office.
ii. No duplicate Identity Card can ordinarily be issued.
iii. The Identity Card shall be surrendered in the College Office as and when the Principal so desire.
6. How to submit the application:
i. All written applications addressed to the Principal should ordinarly be submitted through the respective H.O.Ds in whose absence the applications may be sent through the next senior of the concerned department.
ii. All application of routine shall be put in a locked book, keep for the Purpose in front of the Principal's office between 11 A.M to 2 P.M on working days.
7. Interviews Hours:
Students should not ordinarily enter into the College Office,Staff Common Room and Principal's Office without permission. Only the students at a timemay be permitted to have this intervies with the Principal after prior permission.
8. Private Club or Team:
No bonafide students of the college can join any outside or society without prior permission of the Principal and also an undertaking by his father or natural guardian.
9. Payment of Fees and Fine:
i) Fees must be paid before 2 P.M on the days fixed for their collection othertwise a fine Rs. 1.00 will be collected on the last working day of the month along with the fees. Names of the defulters will be struck of from the college roll and re-admission would involve an additional payment of one month's tution fees/re-admission fee.
ii) Any fine imposed on the students will be realised along with the tution fees.
iii) Exemption from defult fine or re-admission fee can not be claimed by students. It soley rests on the discretion of the Principal.
iv) All other fees and fines including the tution fees are to be collected from the student's before they are to fill up the applicationm form for the University Examination or CHSE examination, as the case may be.
v) Results of promotion to the next higher class will be withheld for students who have not cleared up their college dues.
10. C.L.C., S.L.C, Conduct Certificate , Mark Sheet:
i. Students intending to apply for C.L.C, S.L.C, Conduct Certificate form and mark sheet etc. need apply in the prescribed form obtainable from college office.
ii. The application is to be submitted three clear days before the certificate is wanted by the student.
iii Fees payable certificate.
a) Transfer Certificatre Original Equivalent to +3 Rs. 250.00, +2 Rs. 250.00
b) Mark-Sheet (Duplicate) by the college- Rs. 50.00
c) Conduct Certificate (Duplicate)/ Continuity Certificate- Rs 50.00
11. Fees payable for change of subject:
Change of subject will be allowed on payment of Rs. 10/- provided an applicant filfills all other conditions.
12. Cycle Stand.
Cycle must be padlocked and kept in the Cycle Stand- studemts parking cycles elsewhere in side the college campus shall be penalised or the cycle may be sent to the police station as unclaimed property.
13. Discipline General:
i. Students are expected to conduct themselves in manner that will not tarnish the good name of their alma mater.
ii. Regular attendance, maintenance of silence in the class room college library, proper use of leisure hours, healthy perticipation in the activities of the college provide a sense of belonging to Institution.
iii. Every students is expected to wear neat and gentle dress and be polites and gentle in his /her manner and speech.
iv. Students should treat their follow students as brothers and sisters and their teachers and guardians as superiors.
v) Students should not be rude to the office staff not behave with them in a discourteous manner, Any complaint regarding official lases should be brought to the notice of the Principal.
vi) Students are forbiden to ride motorcycle, scooters and two wheelers within the campus during the college hour. They will be penalised if found to do so.